Author Archives: admin2020

ATC for VATSIM – decisions

Desired Outcome: Get fully operational using a virtual ATC system that integrates with virtual pilots on VATSIM.  I’d also like to get hardware that’s sufficient for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, as I plan on pursuing an instrument rating when back … Continue reading

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Atmospheric River and modeling

A storm that transports moisture from the tropics is known as an atmospheric river; one that specifically pulls moisture from near the Hawaiian Islands is often called a pineapple express. “In short, every pineapple express is an atmospheric river, but … Continue reading

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Climate Change – IPCC Report (6th edition, 2021) – High Level

The topic of Climate Change intersects with several aviation topics – weather; fuel sources; powerplant innovation (moving away from fossil fuels toward electric); and I’m sure many other topics I’ll learn about. In 2021, throughout the world, there have been … Continue reading

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Revision to NWS Aviation Weather Services Guide

When I started my aviation training in 1993, I remember several transitions had recently happened.  Airspace was now about letters (eg Class C vs TRSA).  Weather was about METARS/TAF.  The National Weather Service (NWS) was the go-to for various guides … Continue reading

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Electric Aircraft – as of May, 2021

There is a lot of buzz about Electric-powered aircraft nowadays, which looks viable in near future.  The primary argument is about reducing/removing carbon (fossil fuels), as it relates to climate change (greenhouse gas).  The following are some topics in recent … Continue reading

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